Collaborating with communities and the private sector to control the AIDS epidemic

SHOPS Plus highlights its collaboration with communities, the private sector, and governments to deliver stigma-free HIV prevention, treatment, and care services. Learn about our work to control the AIDS epidemic in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. 

Dominican Republic: “an important step toward the sustainability of the national response”

Representatives from SHOPS Plus, USAID, and the other organizations at a signing ceremony in the Dominican Republic. A SHOPS Plus banner stands behind the group.
Representatives from SHOPS Plus, USAID, and the other organizations at a signing ceremony in the Dominican Republic.

Although most people living with HIV are eligible for national insurance, less than half are enrolled. SHOPS Plus worked with four government bodies to formalize each institution’s responsibility for enrolling people living with HIV. Read the full story and watch our chief of party discuss why this is important for the national response

Tanzania: Meeting health challenges facing transport workers

A woman with a stethoscope stands in front of a blue box clinic that says "North Star Alliance welcomes you" and "Pomona Wellness Centre"
North Star Alliance, a provider of healthcare services established to meet the health challenges facing transport workers and communities across sub-Saharan Africa | Credit: North Star Alliance

Transport workers are at a high risk for HIV/AIDS and other health and safety issues and often lack consistent access to quality health services. North Star Alliance addresses these unique challenges by operating Roadside Wellness Centers, also known as Blue Box Clinics, in six African countries including Tanzania. SHOPS Plus helped register six North Star Alliance clinics with the Tanzania Ministry of Health and the Private Hospital Advisory Board. As a result, the clinics established formal relationships with public facilities for referrals, access to antiretroviral medicines, and data sharing. Read the full story.

Trinidad and Tobago: Improving the sustainability of a key NGO 

GROOTS T&T staff and volunteers
NGO staff and volunteers | Credit: GROOTS T&T

The NGO, Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood in Trinidad and Tobago, provides important HIV prevention, testing, counseling, and treatment adherence services to key populations in the island nation. SHOPS Plus supported the NGO’s transition from donor funding to other funding sources by researching funding opportunities, building organizational capacity, facilitating the development of grant applications, and building local partnerships, namely with the Red Cross of Trinidad and Tobago. Read the full story.

Learn more about our HIV work. 

Technical Area
Health Area



Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus is a five-year cooperative agreement (AID-OAA-A-15-00067) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through USAID. The information provided on this website is not official U.S. government information and does not represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. government.

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