Jordan Family Planning Users’ Profiles and Market Segmentation Analysis

A review of the literature and available data

The purpose of  this review is to understand the market size for family planning (FP) methods in Jordan, the way the market is divided along demographic, socioeconomic, cultural, and other factors, and the role that the public, private, and NGO providers play in meeting current and potential demand in Jordan. Profiles of users and non-users of FP methods show disparities by age, socio economic status, method sources, and barriers against use. Supply-side barriers to prescribing a modern FP method include a continued bias towards “checking for fertility,” knowledge deficit, misconceptions among health providers, and lack of proper FP counseling. The market for potential users of modern FP methods is estimated to be 246,970 women.


Marianne El-Khoury


SHOPS Project

October 2013
Resource Types
Health Area
Family Planning
market segmentation
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