Increasing use of Zinc in the treatment of pediatric diarrhea in Benin

In 2008, USAID introduced a diarrhea treatment kit with zinc and ORS in Benin through private sector channels.  After only three years of program implementation, the majority of caregivers reported treating with zinc, but the use of antibiotics also increased.  This presentation discusses the program's successes and continuing challenges.  The presentation was given at USAID by Emily Sanders and Vicki MacDonald in January 2014.


Emily Sanders


Kathryn Banke, Julie Williams, and Vicki MacDonald

January 2014
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Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus is a five-year cooperative agreement (AID-OAA-A-15-00067) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through USAID. The information provided on this website is not official U.S. government information and does not represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. government.

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