Family Planning Vouchers: A tool to boost contraceptive method access and choice

In settings where potential clients must pay for contraceptive services and/or methods, individuals (e.g., adolescents) may face financial barriers that restrict their ability to access and use some methods. Vouchers can reduce these financial barriers and facilitate client access to more contraceptive options. Vouchers that focus on specific population groups help ensure subsidies reach individuals who may be less likely to have access to and ability to use family planning services and products. Voucher programs can be designed to improve client knowledge of contraceptive method options and inform potential clients where and when they can access services. Vouchers can also support providers to improve the quality of their services through accreditation and to expand the range of contraceptive methods available.

Read the full publication here. 


High Impact Practice (HIP)


Caroline Quijada, Marguerite Farrell

August 2020
Technical Area
Health Financing
Health Area
Family Planning
family planning



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