Family Planning at the Social Security Institute in Paraguay

Building Capacity and Improving Quality of Care

SHOPS began activities in Paraguay in 2010 with a Private Sector Assessment (PSA). The PSA analyzed Paraguay’s market mix and segmentation, and identified trends in sourcing patterns of FP products and services.The PSA focused heavily on the role of Paraguay’s Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS – Social Security Institute), a hybrid institution (part public, part private), financed by employer and employee contributions. With support from USAID, SHOPS designed a technical assistance program for IPS.

SHOPS conducted this study to describe the SHOPS training intervention and perceptions of both IPS providers and beneficiaries about their experiences with family planning services at IPS. Results could inform other large networks of clinics interested in utilizing FP training to strengthen their capacity to deliver IUD services.


Alejandra Mijares, Kathryn Banke, Chloé Revuz, and Ilana Ron Levey


SHOPS Project

October 2014
Resource Types
Health Area
Family Planning
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Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus is a five-year cooperative agreement (AID-OAA-A-15-00067) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through USAID. The information provided on this website is not official U.S. government information and does not represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. government.

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