Evaluation of Dimpa Injectable Contraceptive Network in India

Since 2003, USAID has funded Abt Associates to implement a program that aims to increase overall use of modern reversible methods of contraception by introducing the injectable contraceptive DMPA into the method mix. An evaluation of the program found an increase in the proportion of providers following quality-of-care protocols; providers discussing the various aspects of DMPA, along with other methods; and DMPA use among married women aged 15 to 49 years. An evaluation of the Dimpa helpline indicated that the DMPA continuation rate of the second injection increased from 30 percent among those who did not receive any follow-up call, to 70 percent among those who received a follow-up call. Additionally, sales of DMPA from network clinics and chemists grew by 70 percent from 2008 to 2012. This presentation was made by Vivek Sharma at the International Conference on Family Planning in November 2013.


Vivek Sharma, Moni Sagar and Arunesh Singh


SHOPS Project

November 2013
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