Counseling Women and Couples on Family Planning: A Randomized Study in Jordan

This article evaluates the effects of involving men in family planning counseling in Jordan using a randomized experiment. We randomly assigned a sample of 1,247 married women to receive women‐only counseling, couples counseling, or no counseling. We measured the effects of each type of counseling on family planning use, knowledge, attitudes, and spousal communication about family planning. Compared to no counseling, couples counseling led to a 54 percent increase in uptake of modern methods. This effect is not significantly different from the 46 percent increase in modern method uptake as a result of women‐only counseling. This outcome may be due, in part, to lower rates of compliance with the intervention among those assigned to couples counseling compared to women‐only counseling. To realize the possible added benefits of involving men, more tailored approaches may be needed to increase men's participation.

This article was published in Studies in Family Planning, Volume 47, No. 3, pages 222-238.


Marianne El‐Khoury, Rebecca Thornton,  Minki Chatterji, Sarah Kamhawi, Phoebe Sloane, Mays Halassa


Studies in Family Planning

September 2016
Resource Types
Journal Publication
Technical Area
Social and Behavior Change Communication
Health Area
Family Planning



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