Clinical Social Franchising Compendium

An annual survey of programs: findings from 2012

The 2013 edition of the Clinical Social Franchising Compendium profiles social franchises in over 40 countries. In the 60 programs where data was available, there was an aggregate enrollment of 75,438 healthcare, diagnostics, pharmacy, outreach, and administrative personnel. They specialized in the franchising of maternal and child health services, HIV, TB, STI, and FP services, with a marked emphasis on the last service area.

The compendium is organized by country of operation. A presentation of public health data from each country is followed by a one-page profile of each of the programs operating in the country. The profiles detail the services offered by the programs, their scale, the ways they are financed and how they operate, their quality assurance mechanisms, and health impact.


E. Schatzkin and R. Viswanathan


The Global Health Group

May 2013
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