E-course: Maximizing family planning resources through a total market approach
As donors planned to phase out subsidies for family planning services in Nicaragua, a development implementer helped the government and other local partners come together to support a plan that would incorporate a total market approach. The intent was to ensure that the full range of modern family planning methods (including IUDs and injectables) would remain available.

By using case studies such as this one, a USAID Global Health eLearning Center e-course helps development practitioners understand how to use a total market approach for family planning services. The course functions as a companion to the original e-course on incorporating a total market approach for family planning products. Applying a total market approach to services is more complex, as there is an added clinical component.
“This course aims to guide USAID missions and others seeking to assist governments on how to use the total market approach concept to maximize resources, increase access to priority health goods, and improve sustainability,” according to Sean Callahan, private sector specialist, SHOPS Plus. He co-authored the course with the SHOPS Plus deputy director, Caroline Quijada.
Take the e-course, A Total Market Approach to Family Planning Services.